Friday, April 12, 2019

Flash Fiction Friday, Week 15 - The Last Ride

This week’s prompt was a setting. You fall asleep on a bus, but when you wake up, the bus is empty, and the engine’s still running. It’s dark outside. You remember five words from your dream. I got my five words from the random generator, and they were dead, evolution, care, tasty and origin. I’ve highlighted them in the story.

The Last Ride

Oh no. I can’t believe I slept so soundly. I can imagine what the other riders must be thinking seeing me spread out across the back seat like this. I’m no deadbeat, people. I’m a businessman whose car is in the shop. They had no loaners available, and I’m too cheap to rent a car. Sit up and see how far past your stop you are. What the…

It’s dark outside. Man, I blew it. Where the Hell am I? I’ll just check with the driver. That is, if he’s still awake. When I got on, he looked as if he was ready to begin his afternoon nap too. Wait. The bus is empty? How could it be empty? It wasn’t packed when I got on, which is why I was able to have the back seat to myself. But, there were folks around me. Where the Hell is everybody?

I’ll bet I slept through every stop and we’re in the terminal. They are really going to hear from me tomorrow morning. Mr. Bus Company President, do your drivers normally just drop their bus off at the terminal without making sure all the passengers are off? That’s got to be some kind of violation. How long does it take to walk back here? It’s not like this is a train with 25 cars. It’s a city bus, for Christ’s sake. The driver’s going to get a piece of my mind too. He can’t just…

What? No driver? This isn’t funny anymore. Is this some kind of prank? Of course not, Jack. Don’t be stupid. Think. This is weird. The engine’s still running, the inside lights are on, but no driver? We can’t be back at the terminal. I can’t see out the windows because it’s so dark, but we must be stopped on some side street. I’ll bet the driver’s out taking a smoke. But on a pitch-dark street? Why would he…

I know. He saw me sleeping and decided to let everyone else off so he could rob me. That’s it. Sure. Why not? Nice suit, briefcase, probably lots of cash. He probably took my wallet and cellphone and just left me here. At least the bastard left the keys in it; although, he probably disabled the radio. Wait a minute. My wallet’s still in my pocket and so’s my cell. Ah ha! The deed hasn’t been done yet. He’s outside the door with his buddies planning how to get me under control so they can rob me. That’s why we’re on a dark deserted street. They’ll be coming back in here any second. I’ll be ready for them, and so will the cops. If I call 911 now, they should be… No signal?

Okay. New plan. No way am I going to wait to be jumped. I’ll climb out the back window. What the… Since when don’t bus windows open? What if there’s an emergency? They’ve got to open. I’ll just try some of the side ones toward the back since the driver and his cronies are probably at the front. None of them open? Well, maybe they don’t open, but they will break when I kick them. I don’t care if the driver and his creep friends hear me.

They don’t push out? I can’t even get a small crack? Surely my briefcase will… What is going on? Wait a minute. What is wrong with me? Deep breath, Jack Cooper. You’re still dreaming, you idiot. You never really woke up. Try to remember. I got on, and folks were talking. One woman was saying she didn’t care about some guy. A couple of kids from college were talking about an exam on the origin of man and evolution. Some guy was eyeing a gal in another row and saying she looked tasty. Then some guy in a white coat was talking about something that was dead. Then I woke up and…

No. I didn’t wake up. Maybe they were in the dream. But, that can’t be because I’m not awake now. Or… I’m getting off. I’ve got to wake up then, right? Why won’t the door open? I’ll just get behind the wheel and drive. I’ve got to wake up then, right? The bus won’t move? What is happening? I can’t figure this out. Hey! Somebody! Please…


“Dr. Hill, Mrs. Cooper is in her husband’s room waiting for you.”

“Thank you, Nurse.”

“It’s so sad. Do you know what happened?”

“Terrible accident. The warning lights failed, and when the bus crossed the tracks, the train hit and split it in half. Those in front died on impact, but those in back survived while the train dragged it a few hundred yards. Once the train stopped, the back half rolled into the field, and those inside miraculously survived, with the exception of Mr. Cooper. The back window had blown out and he was ejected. He struck his head on some rocks when he landed. He was briefly in coma, then completely flatlined. I’ll go speak with his wife now.”


“I’m terribly sorry, Mrs. Cooper, but when we re-ran the tests, the results were the same. There is no brain activity at all.”

“Are you going to disconnect all these machines?”

“Not without your permission. I know this is difficult for you, but we need to face the reality of his condition. These machines are all that are keeping his body alive. I hate being so blunt, but I can’t mislead you either.”

“I understand, and I know Jack wouldn’t want to go on like this. Can my Pastor join me here when…”

“Of course. You can call him from here. Just dial 9 first. I’ll be at the Nurses’ Station. Use the Call Light whenever you’re ready.”


Wake up, Jack! Wake up! Why doesn’t somebody come? Because you’re in a dream, dummy! No, I’m not. But I…Somebody help me! Please! I don’t want to be here anymore! Help me, somebody! Please…


  1. Great descent into horror here. I like the slowly building panic of Jack as he realizes that he is trapped. And then he thinks - hope - that it is just a dream, and if only he could wake up. Should they give up on him? We hear about waiting for someone in a coma to get better, but what's really going on inside their head? Maybe it's just memories of a good fishing trip, maybe something more ominous.

    1. Thanks, Mike. I'm glad you enjoyed this. I'm glad too that Jack's fear came through. I've seen horror films that addressed this type of situation, and it makes me wonder whether someone in a coma is greatly aware, only a bit aware, or in some other zone. If family decides to 'pull the plug', do they know, but can't express that they are in there still? Wow. That's one nightmare I'd rather not have to deal with.
